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Keyword Research For SEO

  Keyword Research For SEO Part-2 “SEO stands for search engine optimization and it is a practice that is used it is a methodology that is...


Keyword Research For SEO


“SEO stands for search engine optimization and it is a practice that is used it is a methodology that is used to see how you know you can have the traffic coming to your websites how you can have more people visiting your website your business”.


Now with this you know you'll have questions saying yes I am not from a computer science background you know I might not have amazing English or I might have not done marketing before so what’s SEO to me well, you know if it will just add a bit of advantage if you are good at these things to see if you have a computer science or an information science education you will have an easier transition coming from another concept to the world of SEO this doesn't mean it will make it you know exponentially easier absolutely not but then you will tend to pick up things faster and that's about it with English.


Keyword Research

SEO involves a lot of writing high-quality content and making sure that you deliver the highest possible quality in the work that you do

with that communication skills and English play a good role so having a good ability in the English language is always an advantage as well but then when you think about the marketing side of it marketing becomes pretty important alongside your education and your English because at the end of the day what you're trying to do is you're trying to understand what is it that your customers require with you as a business and then you know providing exactly that because if they want apples and you're providing oranges it literally doesn't make sense to them right you will not get any business.


Now it's not only business it can be anything it might it can be something as simple as you know you are trying to write a beauty blog a fitness blog or you're trying to make a video but then if you put in hours and hours of work into it and then it ranks somewhere on the 10th page let's be honest we really do not search page number 10 or nine or eight or in fact many, you know like ninety percent of the people don't even go to page number two on google when they search for something and then now you realize


When you've put in so much hard work if it doesn't reach the right people it doesn't make sense so marketing you know definitely plays a good role as well. So to start out with the very fair basics of it the first thing you have to understand is the first thing, in fact, you will understand through this article how searching actually works. The process of you know you going on to the google search page typing for something how the front end works how the how google presents information to you and what is happening on the back end with the algorithms everything, of course, you're going to get this answer through the article.


The second thing is when you search for something that is it that is literally happening that you cannot see there's a couple of things that you can see on your screen of course you know when you search for something but then there are things that happen without your knowledge there as well. So that is again something which we're going to discuss.


The third concern which of course many of you at this point of time might have is well okay you spoke about an order you spoke about how there's a rank so if we pay google can we sort of you know come higher so can we like pay google to put our website and show it at first or something well the answer is yes and no, yes because this is a different concept. When you compare it to SEO it's called SEM (search engine marketing) which means search engine marketing that's the first tab the advertisements tab that we saw that's a very similar concept to that and then there's another concept called organic traffic, where your content is good enough where your website is good enough.


You know whatever you're doing people are liking it and hence google decides you know what more people have to see this and

google starts ranking your content ahead. So there are two ways to it and I hope you know I was clear with that so coming to SEO's first concept you know the first thing that you will have to learn whenever you're thinking about SEO is keyword research so what’s a keyword you know in fact instead of going into keyword research.


First, let's understand what a keyword is so you remember how searching on google gets a bit different every single time you can search for something as simple as running shoes you can search for something as men's running shoes. You can search for something as size 9 men's running shoe, weatherproof size 9 men's running shoe all-weather so all of these are search terms right. So each of these we call them a keyword so a keyword is used to understand SEO because this is what people are searching for and as a provider as a person who wants his or her website to rank your job is to make sure that you provide whatever is required when this person is searching for the right and the relevant keyword right.


So the intent with the keyword research is to first understand what your customer or what anyone doesn't have to be a customer, what this person is searching for on google, why they are searching for it, and how you can provide something to it there are three types of things people come searching for one it's a transaction they know they're either buying something on the internet or they're moving through web pages and they're.  You know just looking for things to buy make purchases and whatnot that's the transaction side of it and then there's the information side of it where, of course, millions of users are active right now who are on the internet.


To learn something new to gain information about something and to learn something at the end of the day right. So that's information when you talk about navigation there are people who are you know moved from one website to the other looking for things when they couldn't find it probably when they were on their information hunt.


So you know how they're watching a YouTube video, next they're doing something else. So they're moving around jumping around on the internet hoping that they would you know find something relevant to them so these are the three types of transactions that usually happen on the internet.


  • ·       One is where they come for purchases.
  • ·       Two they come for information to learn something and
  • ·       Three know they're moving around looking for something to do


So when this is the case you have to understand that you have to find ways to cater for them and you cannot, you know say I’m going to cater to only transactional crowds and you know to leave out the people whose hunting for information for example as we first saw if you're looking to buy mobile phones and if it's a transactional customer the person is going to type I want to buy a mobile phone, you know buy mobile phone best price discounts. Whatever so this person will basically get the details of it to go through the transaction and he's a happy person. Now if you are not catering to a person who is looking for information you just say hey mobile phones are available to buy them here but no right.


Many e-commerce sites, in fact, all of the e-commerce sites provide technical specifications details and there are so many things that involve a simple concept of buying a mobile phone they give you information as well. So they're catering uh to both people here and of course, you can navigate through and compare products and whatnot so all of these three customers in just one use case are being handled very effectively so this is how in fact. It's supposed to be now when the talk is about keywords as I just gave you the example. There are actually three types of keywords and how it actually varies. There are three types of keywords


  • ·       Short tail keywords
  • ·       Medium tail keywords
  • ·       Long tail keywords


So let me explain the three types of keywords all right.


Short tail keywords:

So what happens with short tail keywords as the name suggests is they are short so whenever you search for something on google this is what you'd be typing if you wanted shoes you just type shoes that's it it's very generic. It doesn't give you much information or it doesn't in fact give google much information about what you want as well.


Medium tail keywords:

The medium tail search keywords medium tails are little more than short tails in size of course there's a little more specific but they are nowhere detailed because look at the example instead of searching for shoes now you're searching for women's shoes. So you're a little more specific it's good because you know what you're getting google understands what it should show you.


Long-tail keywords

The long-tail keywords are amazing because there's a lot of detail involved now you're going to type exactly what you need to know Nike waterproof running women's shoes and then google understands, yes this is exactly what you want this is what I’m going to cater for you. 


Continued /-

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