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Off-Page SEO Part-5 SEO course

  Off-Page SEO: - So now you might be wondering what off-page SEO is? So as the name suggests even in the case of on-page SEO that we have ...


Off-Page SEO: - So now you might be wondering what off-page SEO is? So as the name suggests even in the case of on-page SEO that we have discussed is everything that had to do with whatever is on your page on your website with off-page SEO again similarly it is everything that has to do with whatever doesn't seem to be on your website. Well what does that mean well it's everything that doesn't directly happen on the website but of course it is still related to your website. You might be wondering okay if I’m optimizing something that is not shown on my website or it's not something that the customers or someone coming onto my page is going to directly interact with why would I even need to do something like off-page SEO optimization right the answer to that is well there's three things


·       Trust

·       Brand awareness and

·       Exposure

Trust: - Why you should do it one it's called trust. You have to build a certain trust rating with the search engine and with your customers, where you know they understand that you're a brand.


You are going to provide the highest quality content possible and you're going to help them out with the query that they're searching for if they're searching for how to make apple cake you're going to provide the nicest how to make apple cake video, blog or whatever it is and then of course they're going to keep coming back to you right so this is trust.


Brand awareness: - Brand awareness is where you're not going to be the only person on the entire internet making an apple cake or showing the world how to make an apple cake right. Yes, now understanding that you are the best person to give it is all about brand awareness knowing that. If I visit this particular website I’m going to get the best stuff here.  So making sure your reachability is there where thousands if not millions of people are you know clicking on your stuff on your website on your videos to get whatever it is that they require that they're searching for right, so this is the second point.


Exposure: - Third point is complementary to the second point which is basically exposure, so exposure is putting your brand out there, you know putting the best possible content again you'll see how many times I’m using the word best possible content right and I mean it because alongside SEO content is the king because with bad content no matter how good your SEO is it might not help. So content is very important and with good content comes a lot of clicks comes a lot of exposure eventually brand awareness and of course trust now, you know how it works right so now if it's this important to have off page SEO. Well how does it work there's two main concepts to it, one is called as backlink and the other one is social media.


Backlink:- A backlink is where you link your websites to other websites, where you know there's a lot of quality content there's inbound, outbound pages, inbound links there's so many things we're going to discuss about this but then the other thing is social media as well because you can go on to your LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and you know you can put on something about whatever you're providing and people are going to search through it and eventually they're going to come to your website right so it's called marketing but then it's search engine optimization as well because you can go to LinkedIn type in my page and it's going to bring you to our website and you will see all the nice things that we provide but then yes this didn't have anything to do directly with the dmmaniya website right it's about the brand it's about the trust you guys have in our and our exposure as well so this is off page SEO so there's something called link building that adds amazing value to off-page SEO.


Link Building:-If you're wondering what link building is it's basically hyperlinking you know multiple other websites and then sort of attaching your brand with theirs and what not now with link building. It's literally the process of hyperlinking multiple websites to each other okay. There's two types of links


·       Do Follow

·       No Follow


when it comes to link building it's do follow links and no follow links you remember we talked about spiders and crawlers and bots right so those go through your website to get all of the data so if it's a do follow link from a reliable website, who is ranking higher than you for example you know that will basically say that you know you are reliable because this particular highly reliable website has mentioned you google will know that okay, now that this person has mentioned it. I think you are reliable as well right so through this search engine will get to know that you are reliable you are reputable and everything and what it does is it will improve your website rank. So again this has nothing to do directly with your websites but it's about other websites which are probably better ranking than yours mentioning you where google will understand saying hey this person mentioned it so this guy has to be reputable right that's do follow links.


Now there's no follow links where it will have  absolutely no effect on your SEO in terms of crawlability or in terms of these spiders and bots are ranking your website because there's an attribute in the html part of it which is put you know which will make sure to tell the bot saying hey you know what do not follow this link I’ve put up the link but then as of the SEO requirement you're going to tell the bot to not follow the link so no follow links will basically no matter where they're pointing to your website or another website. It's going to have zero impact on the ranking as well so these are the two types of links that you have to understand whenever you talk about link building now you might be asking link building is it only to increase brand exposure trust or is there anything else to it. There are arising lot of questions here that


·       How can link building be profitable to you?

·       How can it benefit for your business?

·       Does it have a massive impact?


So these are the questions you will have now right, so here's the answer to it the first thing is building relationships of course at the end of the day as I told you there's a good chance you're not going to be the only one doing something on the internet unless you are of course there have been cases of that and there are cases of that. So building healthy relationships with other people who are doing similar things you know you guys mentioning each other giving shout outs to each other or just seeing each other grow so that's all about building relationships right and this is seen a lot in our community.


So when you think about it there's so many things to learn on the website and then you go from one website to another website and there's a website who's mentioning saying hey you know what go to this website go to DMMANIYA learn from that or you know get knowledge from them, so just giving you an example right so that's the relationship, you will have with the top website as well and then referral traffic so what happens is someone's going to click on that particular link which is not your website where it's mentioned saying. So what that person who clicked on it will think is like okay hey this might help out my friends as well. so what that person is going to do is he or she is going to send it to his or his or her friend as well so now you got referral traffic with having absolutely nothing to do with your own website so one guy clicked on it he liked it he's going to refer your content  through the other websites to people they're going to come land on your website which is the eventual goal right so that's referral traffic and there's brand building so you have built up a brand there's another heavyweight who's going to mention you or you've built relationships with big brands then you have to make a name for yourself in whatever that you do right you're aiming to be the best at what you do you're aiming to provide the best solution to a problem you're aiming to you know provide the best content out there you're aiming to provide the best possible outcomes to whatever happens when someone searches right. So in that case your brand name building it nurturing it and maintaining it is going to be very important for your off page SEO campaign as well.

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