Part -6 Content Duplication In SEO Part-6 So after understanding the link-building concepts and how it can be helpful for you will have a qu...
Part -6
Content Duplication In SEO Part-6 |
So after understanding the link-building concepts
and how it can be helpful for you will have a question saying okay, so what are
the techniques? that I can use to, you know perform off-page SEO right? The
most important techniques are mentioned on your screen right now it's guest
posting, social media and testimonial links with guest posting what's basically
happening is you are let's say you want to write a blog, you know you're going
to head to another website which is ranking higher than you you're going to
write a blog there and then mention a link to your original website so that's
guest posting. You're writing for your organization but through someone else's
media and then there are social media, social media again as I mentioned you're
going to go on LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Instagram mention something about your brand
or someone's going to mention something and that's going to bring you traffic
at the end of the day so that's all about social media I think you've got the
very clear picture here with social media and I don’t think I have to elaborate
on that right.
You see something you like on social media you there's a good chance you're going to click it and if you click it there's a good chance you're going to land on the website you saw something you liked and you're going to make a transaction, you're going to make a purchase. you're going to read a blog, you're going to like an image what not right, so that's the goal and then testimonial links testimonial whenever you talk about it it's all about reviews it's all about you know how's the rating what's the trust setting like and all of that. If 10 people give you a good rating on google saying hey this is a trustworthy brand they're amazing at what they do and its good google will understand this, okay yeah so it's again another thing that is going to bring a lot of traffic to your websites because people like it google has become the top search engine because of its ability to provide the best possible search result for every keyword that it can think of right now in that case testimonial link social media guest posting all of these are to have a good impact as you have already guessed by enough having a good SEO off-page campaign which involves guest posting social media and testimonial links are very important to drive traffic to your website so as we just mentioned
Content Duplication In SEO Part-6 |
You know two types of links exist so leave
each other we checked out link building the advantage is how we can do it but
what are the types of links well there are two very simple types of links and by
the name and by the guess of it you would have already got what it means
there's something called as an inbound link and there's something called as an outbound
link now with an inbound link is basically you're on someone else's website you
click a link which will basically bring that person on to your website you're
getting it
Right you're on an external website clicking a link on their website it's going to drive traffic to yours that's inbound because there's traffic incoming through that link from another website to yours simple then there's outbound link is where you know traffic from your website is going out it's going to go out to other websites or images or whatever it is so that's an outbound link let's just check out an inbound link very quickly right now okay so this is a medium blog you know there's a top blog written on machine learning by one of the experts so here as you can see there's a lot of things written but then there is going to be an inbound link here as soon as I search in teleport as you can see this is just the source of the image that this person has used to write this block they've of course credited the source. If I click on this right now what will happen is it's going to take me to the website right so this is an inbound link from here this is not our website this is not our brand but as soon as I click on this it brought us to our website right.
Content Duplication In SEO Part-6 |
Now after you understand this particular concept of linking there's one more thing that is going to require your attention so this particular concept it's called content duplication and as the name suggests you might already know what duplicate content is.
Content Duplication In SEO Part-6 |
So the question you'll have you know whenever we talk about content duplication is this if google will rank your website once you know for anything good or anything that you've basically provided on the internet what if I do it a hundred times now my chances of being ranked went from 1 to 100 right well no that's not going to happen because even if you have more websites of the exact same company there is google is intelligent enough to understand that and it will not rank it, in fact, it will start de-ranking it where it will stop showing people because of the duplication that you have done because it's against the ethics and the rules of ranking on their search engine as well,
Content Duplication In SEO Part-6 |
Now the two types of content duplication that you might see are one it's the same content on your website but on another website now if you're, you know providing like course certifications. We cannot have two brand names with the exact same content of our website one being and the other one being something else no that would be illegal right that's exactly what number one talks about then number two is all about duplication of content there can be two websites with two different URLs but everything else on the inside is going to be the same so two different URLs same content is wrong.
Content Duplication In SEO Part-6 |
Same urls and same content is of course not
going to happen in real life and then duplicate content of the exact same thing
on multiple websites is not true as well so talking more about number two it's so
what we're basically talking about is if you're selling an apple iPhone on your
website you will literally not show it a hundred times on your website you're going
to show it once or twice maximum and customers understand that you're showing
it right there's no point in duplicating it 100 times where for just for the SEO
purpose where your customers can sort of see it know so it's going to annoy
your customers and it's going to annoy Google’s algorithms as well and it's
going to start de-ranking it because there's a lot of duplicate things which is
not going to make sense to the user so duplicate content of the same item all
different item is not ethical guys so I think this is pretty self-explanatory
right and then there are some times where you know there are certain things
which will be duplicate, which is unintentional. Where you know you might not know
it because it's certainly multiple web pages or whatever it is so when that is
the case even if it's unintentional is there a way to fix it yes this is how
you do it so there are two things one is called as the three zero one redirect
where you know redirect is put for the so whenever where it's duplicate there's
going to be a redirect which is going to move them to the actual content rather
than the duplicate content so this is moving your traffic permanently from the
duplicate content to the original page this is one way to fix content
The second way to fix content duplication is by making use of this beautiful tool called as google search engine console tool so this is not only just for content duplication it's a tool that will do a lot of things so after this article we make sure you know you hunt around and check for google search and console tool so using that tool and the 301 redirects you can make sure to fix a lot of content duplication if it's put in unintentionally on the website as well.
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