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How To Make Effective Landing Page Design Trick

How To Make Effective Landing Page Design Trick    How To Make Effective Landing Page Design Trick  In this blog, I'm going to tell yo...

How To Make Effective Landing Page Design Trick 

How To Make Effective Landing Page Design Trick 

In this blog, I'm going to tell you how to make a landing page design trick this is going to be a landing page blog. We're going to be doing this in five easy steps so let's go to work okay let's go ahead and start with the landing page design steps that we discussed. now the following different to build your landing page

1.The first one is easy how to avoid the trap of landing page design ideas and landing page examples online believe me this is killing your conversion.

2.    Number two discover how to create a landing page that converts over 30%.

3.    Number three I will teach you how to create a landing page with a real product.

4.    Number four what hack to use to increase your affiliate commissions with landing pages that convert and,

5.    Number five is how to copy any landing page design with the secret landing pages too.

Ok, for making a landing page design to follow the below steps:

Step number one how to avoid the trap of landing page design ideas and landing page examples in other words, most people here's what they do, they  go to google and what they do is they type in is they put you  know landing page design ideas they end up with  a lot of stuff for example and then what they do  is they just click on one thing and they look at some examples for creating landing page ideas  and they go like wow this is good that looks good that really converts the thing is that you  need to learn don't even pay attention to that and sometimes people what they do go to  Google and they type in landing page and they end up you know looking at some stuff and they might get so impressed with something.  

 They might just click on it and end up with something like this that gives them some winning page examples, this is for Lift but this is a very big company and that's not what you need to do this is The last thing that you want to do so stay away from that I'm going to tell you a much easier way to do it and it's a hack that everybody should do but hardly anybody does landing page design.

 Step number two discover how to create a landing page that converts over 30%, remember we're not looking for something that is really pretty and things like that this is the last thing that you want to do but it's going to be pretty anyway. I'm going to tell you how the wrong way to convert a landing page design and this is what amateurs start right here they create a landing page the design they create it and then what they do they go and somehow they connect it to the affiliate sales page now the reason I'm talking about sales a page for affiliate because this also applies to your own product as well if you are creating your own product you want to do the same thing but the reason

 I'm talking about affiliate marketing or affiliate sales page is because if you want to be successful online you have to sell affiliate marketing product now the right way or the correct way to create a landing page design is the following you got to start right here you got to start with the affiliate sales page, so you go to the affiliate sales page then what you do is reverse engineer this is what I call it; reverse-engineering the landing page design now you're wondering how in the world this is going to work. I'm going to tell you exactly how it's going to work let's go to a landing page design.

Step number three how to create a landing page with a real product and that's what's important you want to understand this point first you're not looking for a landing page that is going to match your sales page it's the other way around if you understand that concept you're going to be ahead of about 90% of all affiliate marketers and online marketers as well so how to build a landing page from a real product how do you do that what I did in my, For example, I want to Clickbank and I found a winning product according to my research this  is a winning product now for you how to create a landing page design steps there are some steps  that you have to do you got to go to your affiliate network or whatever that you are using if you are  using digistore24 or if you are using Clickbank. The best product to promote, how to find the best ClickBank products to promote with one click of a button landing page design.

 Step number four how to increase  your affiliate commissions with landing pages that convert the wrong way to create a landing  page design is just like that like I mentioned before now I put a product  next to it so you can relate a little bit better this is what people do they create a landing page  first and they connect it to their product the problem is a lot of people see a disconnect  because everything looks different they don't look cohesive and there is no continuity a lot of  people will not convert this is subconsciously what they do basically is they say oh maybe  this is a scam I'm going to stay away from it  

 I'm not going to go any further so the first thing is that you want to go to your landing page which  is a sales affiliate landing page or sales page  the best way is a sales page if they have that in a resource section in the network that you are  using in this case we are using click bank network this is an affiliate network look at the actual  sales page and this is what I looked at, what you want to do you want to work in reverse the trick  of creating a landing page design is this you look at the sales page the affiliate sales page first  and then what you do is you reverse the design to create your landing page design so how do we  do that so here's the affiliate sales page, in case you want On this landing page all you got to do  is comment and let me know I'll give it to you.

 In the meantime, the idea is how to create something on your own now I created this so I went to the affiliate sales page looked at it and I came out  with this my landing page design, this is the one that I have created if you take a look at it you  would really think that this is part of the actual affiliate sales page that you see up there but in  reality it's not it's something that I created it didn't take me but just a few minutes to do I'm  going to tell you how to do that landing page design.

Step number five copy any landing page design with this secret landing pages free tool and this is exactly what I used to make things a lot easier for me because I want to match everything that this landing pages tool do for you, number one you can hack any landing page design it doesn't matter where it's at number two copy exact color it tells you exactly what color to use number three copy exact font on the landing page so not only the color you want to get the same thing as the font that is used in the affiliate sales  page people have less trust now so what they do is they see things don't match. This is not the same thing this must be a trick so they stay away from it, about 50% of them, they just go away right, away without thinking number four copy exact size of any fonts and number five copy exact landing page on any website in case you are wondering how to get this tool.

 I'm going to tell you exactly how to get it I have it actually hidden because I don't want people to compete with you so I got it is hidden somewhere and I'm going to tell you exactly. how to find it all you got to do just click on it download it in just a few seconds it's easy to use in case you are having any issues with it put in a comment that you are having issues with it, and I'm going to tell you exactly where it's at here, how to drive targeted traffic to your landing pages a lot of people have a hard time with that and a lot  of people do is they get a free traffic let's say they are doing it may be on Pinterest  they take the free traffic and then they build the bridge page opt-in page and then end up with  the affiliate sales page by the way this is the best way to do it for free traffic especially if  you are getting that traffic from social media because social media is a little bit more tricky  they don't like affiliates at all but the best way to do it is actually to do something different which is targeted traffic to your landing pages.

 You are driving targeted traffic to whatever you are selling by getting it free traffic and then by getting the targeted traffic within 24 hours  because you want to get see results within 24 hours the law of free traffic is slow this is the  way it is right now what I'm going to do, I'm going to tell you where that app is the app is going  to be in the description area under section a so look for section A it's somewhere in section A  you can benefit from it and start applying it and start making really good landing page designs that can convert and make a lot of money.

 If you want a free landing page with a one-click funnel including everything that you need also including a free email autoresponder. If you want to learn everything about  affiliate marketing and how to get started with affiliate marketing and make money at  the same time and do it the right way. If you want more affiliate marketing blog then write your suggestion/feedback or comments I will bring more.

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