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On-page SEO indetail

  SEO Part-4 On-page SEO In detail   ·        On-page SEO and ·        Off-page SEO   After the previous article now discusses more ...

 SEO Part-4

On-page SEO In detail


·       On-page SEO and

·       Off-page SEO

 After the previous article now discusses more ON-PAGE SEO. If you want more detail then please read all previous articles of SEO COURSE. So with the use of coding, there is a lot you can do to boost your on-page SEO campaign now so apart from that which is going to mean a lot to your on-page SEO are the following concepts. We have

  •              Schema
  • ·       Title tag
  • ·       Meta description
  • ·       Image alt text
  • ·       Feature snippet

as well. If you do not know any of these terms do not worry, we are going to cover them. You know one by one.

The first thing it's “schema” now what is a “schema” and how does it matter well schema is simply the detail of a description of the website content for users so whenever you type in a buy mobile phone on google. You know so or you're very specific enough you want the latest Apple iPhone right so you're going to type in apple iPhone on google and then it's not going to just tell you hey here's where the Apple iPhone is available to come by no it's going to tell you a lot of details about it right it's going to enhance.


Whatever you're searching for if you're searching for an iPhone11 it's going to give you the image of iPhone11s it's going to tell you these are the amount of quantity in stock. Right now that you can buy what do other people think of it in terms of ratings and reviews and of course what is the price it is selling it as well. So instead of just saying hey come buy apple phones think about it with the schema it looks very attractive and your chances of clicking on it are good as well because you're getting the image, you're getting the available quantity, you're getting all the reviews and the ratings and of course, you're getting the price upfront even without clicking on their website as well so you know let's actually demonstrate this.

So if you have to buy the iPhone 11pro max like this is an example this doesn't have to be the apple's iPhone now look at this particular snippet out here this is just a search result right I haven't clicked on any of the websites that you see on your screen but then enough you can see that it, says it's available what is the size of memory in it what is the color of it. What is the price of it they say it's free delivery? They say the discount you're going to get of course the actual price the ratings the number of reviews. So you understand this right so you get a lot of details just on the search page even without clicking on it that is a schema.


On-page SEO in detail

Now the second concept is “title tag” is basically what appears when you search for something so as you saw you know whenever we search for something like an iPhone it showed the titles in a particular order right now look at this it says apple iPhone11 pro then it says the color and then it says the website and that it's shown in now this doesn't have to be the exact order but this is just what these people have sort of picked up it can be something like this. You know iPhone11 pro max by apple and so this particular order that you see there's something called the primary keyword this is the exact keyword on which you want your content to rank so when someone searches for iPhone11 pro max you want. Your link to be there and then there's the second keyword which is supportive of the primary keyword in case if your content doesn't rank on the primary keyword or if you have to support it thoroughly you're going to put that secondary keyword, in this case, it's an apple because iPhone is from apple and then of course at the end of its brand name as we saw with Amazon as well right.


So it's so this particular way of you know putting your title tag affects your SEO so much, so it's going to be a make and break policy whenever you think about any of these situations guys it's not just you know I’m going to put anything. I want and google will do it absolutely no you have to be very specific. It has to be very concise and it has to be very readable as well now if I look at this example. I understand exactly what that link is going to show me it's going to show me everything about this phone. You know it's not going to show me a grocery shop right so it's the highest clarity possible you will like it as your customers will like it and google as a search engine will love showing these to people so the title tag is something which is very important.


“Meta description” is the detail that is shown on the screen you know if we have to have a name where we're describing the schema well that is meta description in all of its glory because it so it appears below the website it's going to give you a lot of details even without you having to click on it so this is everything. So this is very convenient when you think about it because if you were not given a meta description you will have to click on the actual website to understand. You know what the website is providing it can be a waste of your time the website's not loading the website is slow you have to do it 10 15 times now with this it's very convenient and then this concept you already saw but then the next one has you seen using all text to images.


You might be wondering you know what an “image or alt text” means right now it is basically used to provide a description to an image see when you look at an image you will understand if it's a picture of a cat or a picture of a dog or if it's a picture of a brand or whatever it is, as soon as you look at it your brain is trained enough to probably tell what it means. Of course there can be things which you will not know and that's not the point of the discussion. So here when you search for something. You will understand it but how will google know it right google of course it is very intelligent they use a lot of algorithms to make sure whatever they're doing is smart. It's intelligent and all of that right and all text is basically a way where you're going to tell the search engine basically, you're going to tell the search engine saying hey this is. If you have an image of a cat your all text will be something like cat if you want a detailed alt text it'll be like a white cat with blue eyes 10 months old cute looking kitten something like that that's an old text I mean I’m just giving you an example here.


So that way as soon as google sees it even though it can perform image recognition. It can look at the text and process it a hundred times faster if you look at the text it'll be like this is a cat it's going to use it algorithms to scan through the picture if it's a cat or not then it's 100 confirmed that it's a cat and it's going to start showing you people the image whenever they search for cats right. So there's this one rule that you have to follow whenever you're working with you know the image alt text is that there's a limit to it there's 125 characters which is considered to be the maximum in which you have to you know sort of fit all your details about the image in if you move it above 125 characters it really becomes cumbersome for you for the viewer of course the viewer doesn't see the alt text unless the image is not loaded you know and even for google as well. So to demonstrate the image alt text let us pick up our brand name itself.


Concept after image alt searching is something called as “feature snippets” are amazing because these will give you way more information than meta descriptions and schemas in general because here what google is doing is it's going to give you like ready upfront information to a thing that you have searched and if you're providing content which is extremely valid it's really good people like it. You've written a high quality blog or anything it's going to give you certain details. Exactly matching the keyword that you have searched for so as you can see from the red part which is highlighted on your screen instead of a very short description of what happens in the meta description there is an entire different section where you know it's going to give you a big answer which will match what you're searching for right. So this is what a feature snippet looks like.


So it's going to be a detailed answer picked up from the content present in the website for which you're searching for. So this is basically a way that the google is telling you that hey this is the best possible result I can give you for your keyword. So that's you know featured snippet and this is all about you on page SEO you know everything from the schema title tag the content that you put the meta description that you type in the title you give the alt text you give for your images because google will understand images and it will help you your website rank better and it's going to give you a

featured snippet of your content is amazing so when you think about it on-page SEO is really good but then so there is something else that adds value to SEO and that is off page SEO. 

To Be Continued /-

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